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I030 Personal Fundraising for Missionaries

Didasko Academy

About This Course

A practical guide for biblical fundraising

This course will help you set a fundraising strategy, and approach it with confidence. It will also give you the practical tools to raise all the funds you will need for your ministry, by building Kingdom partnerships.

This course has four modules:

Module 1: Obstacles and challenges of fundraising

Perhaps you’ve had thoughts like "I don’t want to beg for money!", or "It is so embarrassing to ask for money", or "What if someone says no when I ask them to fund me?", or "In my culture, I simply can’t ask people for money!", or perhaps even "Why should I have financial partners at all? Shouldn’t I simply rely on God to supply my needs?"

Leaving such questions unanswered could stop you even before you start on the road to ministry! We hope that this module will show you how fundraising is a partnership between God, the missionary and supporting partners, and that fundraising can be God-honouring — the opposite of begging!

Module 2: What the Bible says about fundraising

The Bible gives us many examples of people who raised funds for their ministry. These include Moses, David, Elijah, Nehemiah, Paul - and even Jesus himself. We can learn much from them!

Module 3: Principles and fruitful practices of fundraising

This module looks at the principles and practices of fundraising that have been proven to be effective and that tend to bear financial fruit. Learning about what has worked for others can help you form your own approach to fundraising. Whatever strategy you use, the most important factor is prayer: it should be the foundation of all your fundraising efforts.

It might surprise you to learn that fundraising is a part of ministry. Raising funds is not a sign of lack of faith, quite the opposite: it is an integral part of your walk of faith with God and an opportunity for Christians to become involved in ministry by helping to fund you.

Module 4: Practical tips and ideas for fundraising

This module provides a step-by-step practical guide you can follow in order to raise your support, and covers aspects such as working out your budget and tips for a professional presentation.

Are you familiar with online learning and ready to get started with the course right now? If so, select the "Course" link in the Course navigation tab at the top of this page. If not, please read the rest of this page.


No previous courses are needed before doing this one.

However, we do recommend that you do the 0010 How to use Didasko course first. It helps you become familiar with all the components of the online courses.

Estimated time commitment for completing this course

Clock Estimated time commitment: 10 - 20 hours

IMPORTANT NOTE: This course is very practically oriented, and it is expected that you will be preparing and starting actual fundraising while you are doing the course. For example, assignments include working out your salvation and calling testimonies, your ministry budget, your ministry presentation package, creating a list of potential supporting partners, etc. The time you’ll take to do all these activities is not included in the estimated time.

The course is self-paced, and you can go through the content at your own pace. The course has four modules, and in each module you will find videos, discussion opportunities, and activities. At the end of the course there is a simple quiz-based exam and an opinion survey. If you pass this, you will be able to generate your digitally signed certificate. But just passing the exam is not really your final test: actually raising 110% of the monthly support you need is!


Please note that most of the video transcripts have been machine-translated and will contain language errors. We are actively looking for volunteers to translations. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here


Please take a moment to introduce yourself to other learners using the course’s Discussion Forum.

Again, thank you so much for joining us in this course. We hope you will enjoy it, and hear God’s voice as you progress.

Grace and peace,

Dr Henry Vermont M.Com M.Th Ph.D

(Ministry Director, Didasko)

Course Staff

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