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K030 Setting the Captives Free (deliverance ministry)

Didasko Missions Academy

About This Course

God has given His servants a powerful tool to set people free. The New Testament contains many examples of deliverance. But is it scriptural for us to use it today? Is this kind of ministry still available and relevant? Are missionaries using it as part of their strategy, and what are the results?

All these and many more questions are answered in this course.

Please note that because of the subject material, this course can get quite dark. But remember, "the one who is in you [Jesus] is greater than the one who is in the world [Satan]" (1 John 4:4).

If you feel that you'll benefit from this course but feel anxious about the content, we suggest you ask one or more of your Christian friends to do it with you. In this way you can support each other and pray for one another.

The course is taught by missionaries with experience in deliverance ministry.

If you wish to see a detailed outline of the course, click on the blue "View Course" button above.

Module 1: Foundations

The first module is the foundation for the rest of the course and covers aspects such as cessationism, the flaw of the excluded middle, Satan’s tactics, names of the devil, perceptions of the spiritual world, Mana, animism, idolatry, magic, taboos, the evil eye, and lastly our authority and defense.

Module 2: How Demons Operate

The second module is practical and is taught by missionaries who are currently ministering in Africa. Even though many examples come from Africa, it is important to understand that the principles are applicable to all areas of the world. The devil’s schemes are the same everywhere. This module covers subjects like how demons enter people, what keeps people from being set free, and the rights of demons.

Module 3: The Deliverance Process

The third module explains the conditions and obstacles for receiving deliverance, characteristics and preparation of the counsellors (the people doing the deliverance), and the process of deliverance, including deliverance of children, self-deliverance and mass deliverance.

Module 4: Deliverance, Evangelism and Discipleship

This last module examines the impact that deliverance ministry can have on evangelism and discipleship - and the spread of the Gospel!

Please share this course with friends. If you are excited about this course, please tell a friend. You can do this by clicking on one of the social media icons right at the bottom of this page. Why don’t you invite them to do the course with you?

Clock Estimated time commitment: 15-20 hours

The course is self-paced, and you can go through the content at your own pace. In the course you will find videos, discussion opportunities, and activities. At the end of each module there is a module assessment. There is no final assessment at the end of the course. You have to pass all the module assessments to be able to generate your digitally signed certificate.

There are short multiple choice quizzes after most videos. These are intended to help you process and understand the material, not to serve as “tests” or exams.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

However, we do recommend that you do the "Learn how to use Didasko" course first. It helps you become familiar with all the components of the online courses.

Course Staff

Martin and Simone

Martin and Simone S

Martin and Simone S (last name withheld for security reasons) have been missionaries among an East-African Unreached Muslim People Group for 17 years. They have extensive experience in deliverance ministry, and have integrated this with their church planting strategy.

Emmanuel and Martha

Emmanuel and Martha Mulenga

Emmanuel and Martha have been missionaries for decades, planting churches and discipling many people in Africa over that time. They have used deliverance to set many people free from demonic oppression. They are Martin and Simone's mentors in the area of deliverance.

Don Fisher

Dr Don Fisher

Dr Don Fisher is a life long teacher with a doctorate in Education. He taught in Bible schools in Indonesia for 14 years. He has travelled and taught in a number of countries and written several books on Bible study methods. Although he is technically retired, he and his wife are still active in ministry.

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