Gene Daniels
Dr. Gene Daniels is the Director of Fruitful Practice Research. He has been a church planter, ethnographer, and researcher in Muslim world since 1997.
What is a Fruitful Practice?
“Fruitful Practices” are activities and behaviours which multiple church planters have discovered are effective at producing the spiritual fruit of new believers, healthy discipleship communities and reproducing fellowships of believers.
This course is based on the realities of experience of hundreds of field workers, and on the foundation of scripture. Although the research was conducted among people working in Muslim societies, the principles are applicable to most pioneer church planting situations.
The principles explained here are not a set of formulas to follow. Rather, they should be applied to your situation using your own first-hand knowledge of local conditions. Prayerfully adapt them to your own context.
The themes of fruitfulness taught in this course include how to relate to society, to seekers, to believers, to leaders, to God, to communication methods, to teams and how to relate to churches.
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The course developers
The course was developed by the Fruitful Practice Research team, as part of the Vision 5:9 network. Vision 5:9 is a global network of evangelical organizations, partnerships, and other networks, all committed to making disciples among all Muslim peoples. The mission of Vision 5:9 is to mobilize and equip the global church to engage all Muslim people groups, to establish effective disciple-making and church-planting efforts among them, and enlist the resulting churches in the Great Commission.
If you are interested in reaching the world of Islam, this is the course for you!
Learn more by contacting info@vision59.com.
No previous courses needed before doing this one.
However, we do recommend that you do the 0010 How to use Didasko course first. It helps you become familiar with all the components of the online courses.
Estimated time commitment: 12-14 hours
The course is self-paced, and you can go through the content at your own pace when you choose to do so. There is only one module. There you will find videos, discussion opportunities, and other activities.
The course has 20 videos. If you wish to see a detailed outline of the course, click on the blue “View Course” button above.
There are short multiple choice quizzes after most videos. These are intended to help you process and understand the material, not to serve as “tests” or exams.
In order to get a certificate for the course, you have to complete the final assessment at the end. This assessment consists of a multiple-choice quiz.
Please note that most of the video transcripts have been machine-translated and will contain language errors. We are actively looking for volunteers to translations. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here
Please take a moment to introduce yourself to other learners using the course’s Discussion Forum.
Again, thank you so much for joining us in this course. We hope you will enjoy it, and hear God’s voice as you progress.
Grace and peace,
Henry Vermont PhD
(Ministry Director, Didasko)
Dr. Gene Daniels is the Director of Fruitful Practice Research. He has been a church planter, ethnographer, and researcher in Muslim world since 1997.
Mary James (M.A. Theological Studies) has over twenty-five years of ministry experience in the Arab world. Besides her involvement with Fruitful Practice Research, she enjoys opportunities to mentor workers in culture acquisition and ministry preparedness.
Dr. Don Fisher is a life long teacher with a doctorate in Education. He taught in Bible schools in Indonesia for 14 years. He has travelled and taught in a number of countries and written several books on Bible study methods. Although he is technically retired, he and his wife are still active in ministry.
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